
Friday, March 9, 2012

Visual Studio 11 beta - @ 2012

Microsoft has launched the Visual Studio 11 beta. Its now available for download on the official website. Microsoft is expected to name the Visual Studio 11 beta as Visual Studio 2012 when the time comes for release.

Visual Studio 11 brings many new features to the table such as minimizing the number of commands that appear on the programs UI, as well as preview tabs, search improvements and more.

Visual Studio 11 has full Windows 8 support and is recommended if you are developing Metro apps for Windows 8.

Features included in the Visual Studio 11 Beta compared to VS2010
  • ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and ASP.NET MVC 3 are included
  • New MVC 4 templates and Web Forms templates are provided with features such as HTML5 support and ASP.NET 4.5 bundling.
  • Page Inspector
  • The JavaScript editor is rewritten and is now based on IE10's JavaScript engine
  • New CSS editor
  • Publishing for Web Application Projects (WAP) has been updated.
Link to download the Visual Studio 11 beta .

The Visual Studio 11 beta can be used to develop both Windows 7 applications and Windows 8 metro apps.

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